On the first visit, certain formalities must be met to establish the best relationship. We cannot be in a hurry. Information needs to be gathered. Several forms will be completed which will become part of your file. All forms require signatures. Medicare patients must understand that we are required to have even more signed even if we no longer take Medicare. Auto cases require longer intakes and more documentation, and, most recently, been declined. Also you need to know your insured status and/or how your insurance works. See Insurance for more information on health care coverage. We will help you make this inquiry and will explain how it works. You will be asked if you are seeking chiropractic care, general health/nutritional care, or both. After making the discovery of what is available to you for health benefits in your health plan, the office manager will explain how your insurance works. Unfortunately, you may discover that your health chiropractic coverage is very limited.
Eventually, we require that all natural health patients become chiropractic patients. This does give you more frequent access to the doctor whose office time is dominated by performing chiropractic treatments.
Office Manager goal is to find a way for you to get the care you need so you can meet your health goals. However, we have yet to discover the particulars of your condition. Dr. Katherine spends her time on getting patients better. She will not talk about finances. If you are hurting badly, you may need to have help when you come to the office, since the intake paperwork must still be completed before we can start the formal process. It is always awkward to start the process with a patient who is in more extreme pain.
You will meet with Dr. Katherine. Here you will be given a private opportunity to express your concerns. We want you to describe your complaints. Notes will be taken as she also asks pertinent questions related to your history. Finding the true cause for your concerns is often a mystery to be solved. She will manually scan your cervical spine and nerve root areas for tenderness and spasm. She directs the staff to have x-rays taken to be analyzed for diagnosis.
Numerous AO specialized radiographs or full spine radiographs are taken as necessary. At this time you may be given an oral report on the findings or this may be done on your second visit.
You will be given an examination by Dr. Katherine based on your complaints and her findings. This examination could be brief or extended depending on the findings and complaints. The examination could include neurological, orthopedic, range of motion, leg length findings, palpitation of the spine and/or affected extremities. You will be scheduled for treatment appointments to start within a few days or under the best of circumstances on this very day. The front desk may schedule for several "follow up" appointments.
In most cases, you will be asked to become a chiropractic patient depending upon circumstances. You may be given a very detailed health survey to complete. After the intake, you will be scheduled for a Zyto Health Screening. You may or may not be scheduled for outside blood work or similar testing to help determine your general health nutritional deficiencies; other testing can be arranged which we believe requires a medical findings, diagnosis, and prognosis. The Zyto scan will take an hour to perform and will be scheduled separately from Dr. Katherine's regular adjustment schedule.