The health of the colon and the skin are indicators of a person's internal health.  They are essential aspects of the body's elimination system.  A poorly functioning colon will produce a poor immune reaction and a lack of mental clarity.  Skin conditions are much more a condition of internal health.  If you cannot sweat well, you are not healthy nor will you be.  You need to be able to have waste pass restricted through your body without having the associated toxins accumulate in your tissues. The cells also need to eliminate waste through efficient metabolism.

 We are dependent upon healthy bacteria in our gut for many necessary functions of the brain and immune systems, but we have encouraged the growth of unhealthy bacterial and microbial activity.  This is the basis behind all aging and the close association with chronic diseases.
Detoxifying the body would include a variety of practices to include sweating, fasting, chelation, colon cleansing, and other practices associated with physical and functional medicine.   Some more commonly found practices include the foot bath and the use of an infrared sauna.  Dr. Sherry Rogers M.D. , Fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and a best selling author, believes the most effective device to use for internal body cleansing is the Infrared Sauna.  We agree with her, and we have such a device in our office.  We have a four person MIRacle Infrared Sauna.  Additionally we have Ion Spa 2 person foot spa for foot baths. Both treatments have done a wonderful job in helping our patients overcome toxic overloads.  We have activities to include PEMF, Bemer, and the Turbosonic, a vibrational platform, that increase blood micro-circulation and promote red blood cell de-agglutination which promotes oxygen delivery and waste removal.

Dr. Rogers in her book,
Detoxify or Die, states, "Bio-accumulated toxic load in the human body is responsible for all disease not attributable to bacteria or virus."  This is a challenging notion to the established medical community.  It is not, however, a new concept and represents generations of medical healers who have sought out cleansing as a way to improve the body's ability to overcome restrictions and toxins.  Today we have more toxins in our environment than it could have ever been imagined to include heavy metals, inflammatory non-digested food, chemical additives, and an overwhelming array of parasites, fungi, and molds. 

Ancient healers performed cleansing of the colon with gourds; the Essenes at the time of Christ where a Jewish sect committed to cleanliness and its practices.  Dr. Kellogg and other American physicians build clinics and developed spas where people could cleanse. Dr. Bernard Jensen, the world famous chiropractor and naturopathic physician and author, was well versed in colon cleansing and similar hygienic practices.   Fasting is one of the oldest of all healing practices and should be considered a safe and effective way to recover health.  Natural Hygienists for several generations continue to help people with a variety of afflictions. 

As a natural hygienist advocate, Dr. Katherine Crafton, has similar beliefs, and offers these sessions to a few patients who may have similar beliefs with health concerns.  The use of the foot spa and the infrared sauna are very safe and easy to use equipment.  Clients often pre-purchase a recommended program of 10-12 sessions.  These programs are often provided in a variety of upscale spas across the country.   They are often found where the spa might have an Esthetician and massage therapists.  Our primary activity is providing chiropractic services, but as a physician providing nutrition therapy; the practice of detoxifying (hygiene) the patient can be considered within her scope of practice.  In any case, detoxification practices are not regulated in the State of Alabama, and do not require any formal training or licensure.  These sessions do not treat diseases, nor do these devices make any claims.


Detoxification or purification relates to generations of natural health care associated with internal hygiene.  It is one of critical pillars of health care in any natural healing.
A Herxheimer reaction often accompanies detoxification.  Often it refers to a toxic overload. The patient may feel ill with flu-like symptoms or skin reactions to where they feel sick and uncomfortable, but this is often misleading.  Endotoxins are dying off, herxing off, and the body is reacting to the toxic waste being released from the tissues.  Ironically, the patient may be getting better, but they could get discouraged.  The more toxic or ill your tissues, the more intense the reaction.  Often truly improving may require feeling poorly. 

The best remedy is drinking plenty of distilled water and rest.  Sometimes it is necessary to slow down the detoxification.  This little known reaction was first observed by German medical doctors at the beginning of the 20th century.  Natural doctors have noticed it more because of their focus on natural hygiene.
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