In accordance to federal case law, the chiropractor has been determined to be a "separate and distinct" health care physician. This would mean that the chiropractor is not considered to be part of the medical community; thereby chiropractors see patients without requiring any referral. Chiropractors may well work in harmony with a medical doctor to help his patients. Chiropractors are licensed in all states; thereby determining that each state has authority over their scope of practice and how they are to be examined.
All chiropractic schools are accredited by the same agencies by region as are all state universities and private institutions, such as North Central for University of Michigan or Southern Association for Auburn University. Additionally, each college maintains accreditation from a national chiropractic board of examiners. The Doctor of Chiropractic degree is an accredited post graduate degree determined to be a clinical doctorate degree of the same consideration as a D.O., M.D., or D.D.S., regarding the nature of the coursework. Any university can, for example, have a clinical doctorate teach anatomy up to the Master's degree level and be considered adhering to all regional accrediting agencies. All programs over the last 100 years have changed adding coursework and prequalifications; chiropractic is no different.
Chiropractors must successfully pay for, travel to, and complete 4 National Board Examinations before passing a state examination to be able to obtain licensure. Only two schools train Naturopathic Doctors (ND) to the same standards, since only these schools additionally meet M.D. clinical doctorate standards, and seldom do we see any of their graduates in our area. Most ND schools are not accredited and have no board of examiners; their programs are often taken online for only few thousand dollars, while it costs over $250,000 to complete a clinical doctorate degree for the first four years of post graduate work going full time throughout the years. Few if any can do this while working any other career. The cost and loss of income add up to an enormous investment.
Chiropractic was started by a magnetic healer, DD. Palmer, in a time when it seems by today's standards anyone with a elementary education could go to medical school or any school, but it was professionalized by his son, DJ. Palmer. He built it into a rigorous school in Davenport, IA where he first introduced radiographs, a first class state of the art therapy clinic, and performed volumes of research. Early in its history, many of the osteopaths from the Missouri osteopathic school and the chiropractic school maintained degrees in both disciplines sharing in their mutual respect for physical and functional medicine and their disregard for medicine. Although on the surface, some view the adjustments taught to osteopaths as the same as to chiropractors; however, they are very different. This was the reasoning for these early doctors to train together and learn the values of each. Few recall that osteopaths and medical doctor refused to share hospitals and operated very critically toward each other until the late 1960's. Today, few know this, even the osteopaths, since they have in the last few generations become more and more part of the medical community.
Chiropractors have managed to maintain its "separate and distinct' status under more recent decades of persecution and the federally supported monopolization of the industry by the AMA. In 1987, chiropractors won their case in federal court showing this to be true. It's quite clear, however, that there is no equity in our access to federal funds and accordingly to the private
health care system.
Being a physician can be very confusing to the public. There exists many different points of view on how one can practice. It would seem that if we graduated from essentially the same clinical doctoral studies we all would be on the same page. This is not true. Medical doctors dispute other medical doctors, so do chiropractors dispute other chiropractors, even from the same schools. Even the chiropractic college one attends implies a certain approach, training, and philosophy. Any physician could consider himself to be an Alternative or Integrated physician; a MD or DO could consider himself to be an Environmental, Orthomolecular, or Functional physician as well. A chiropractor could be Upper Cervical or Full Spine. It is important, however, to understand that each physician is telling you something about their philosophy and preconceptions regarding healing. This will influence their approach to solving your problem.
Look to the physician's affiliations. Most of these descriptors to their practice are not areas where they received additional university training; they are areas where the physicians have expanded upon their own self-education on who they value for research, and how they solve problems for their patients. What you see most are medical doctors who follow to the letter of the AMA protocols for a defined diagnosis, and what you are most likely to find are full spine chiropractors performing what seems to be the same adjustments in a short period of time, over and over again.
Whether true or not, most all physicians believe that they are helping their patients and are providing a viable avenue. Some, however, are very intolerant to any implied criticism and even the right of another with equal legal stature to even practice. Therefore, it is ultimately important that the patient have equal financial access along with personal and religious freedom to choose for themselves. In Alabama, the chiropractor is legally referred to as a chiropractic physician. The final word for all physicians in humbling a medical physician best comes from Hippocrates, " AT FIRST DO NO HARM", thereby implying that the body and its design provide for the best healing. Of all physicians, chiropractors pay the least for malpractice insurance; they are least likely to do harm according to the actuaries. It is not because of chiropractors that the 3rd leading cause of death nationwide is latrogenic, because that's strictly a medical activity, well intended or accidental.
There is only one right answer to a problem, but in health care, if you elect to see many, you are confronted with many who claim to have the right answer. They are all professionals, they learned from the same texts, and they were taught by similarly educated professors.
1. Government, attorneys, and insurance have only one way to make money and still keep the consumer happy, and that is to take advantage of the provider. In all cases, the provider's fees are reduced while all other costs go up. Medical expenses are for the most part subsidized and/or paid for by the healthy, and the physician nets less and less. Providers find that they cannot accept assignment for some because of the financial risks, and many victims go without treatment, especially those electing chiropractic care.
2. As the fees go down and the costs go up, patients will be expected to wait longer for care and will be rushed through protocols. New protocols will be created to make it that you spend less time with the physician. Physician tasks will be transferred to others, and more and more physicians will be rubber stamps. The trend is to have nurses and therapists given traditionally and clinically established doctor oriented tasks. Assistants will be performing the treatments so the doctor can oversee greater numbers of patients, since the net on each is so little given the overhead costs. Smaller private practices will fade away, and "quick fix" clinics will be all over the place. They will make it seem that it is a good thing to be quick, fast, and express. In France's socialized medical community, the doctors went to the streets in protest over how little they were making for the risks and costs.
How can a chiropractor see 100 patients a day? They can only do it with part time lower paid help, and spending very little time with the patients. There is no time for inquiry, small talk, and privacy. The relationship can only become less and less intimate and professional.
Dr. Katherine has to battle these trends, because it is so contrary to her personality and beliefs.